COPYRIGHT © 2013 Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand (CMSA)
David is a 50 year old Torres Strait Islander man with a history of mental illness and is an insulin dependent diabetic.
During his younger years David spent many years confined to a mental health facility and since that time has been in and
out of inpatient units.
David has moderate cognitive impairment and has trouble managing his finances. He is also receiving reduced payment
from Centrelink because he is not confident enough to sort out the problem.
David has been estranged from his family (two sons and a daughter) for many years and has been living in a hostel.
David experiences paranoid thoughts and finds that “quiet time” is the only thing that allows him to effectively manage
them. David’s accommodation does not assist with this process and so he spends hours each day locked in his room with
his head under a pillow.
David has low self esteem and lacks confidence.
David will not use public transport and so is limited to places that he can walk to.
David has a dream that one day his children will want to talk to him and that he might have his own house so that they
would come and visit him there and even stay for a few days.
David has recently become friendly with Joe, another resident who has a significant drug and alcohol problem. Shane,
who boards in a room next door, to David, tells you that Joe spends a lot of time in David’s room and sometimes takes
other friends there too. This resident adds that Joe is taking money from David to buy his own drink and drugs and that
when he is drunk he becomes angry and aggressive and has hit David. Joe is also giving David confectionary fully aware
that David has a medical condition.
The manager of the hostel confirms Shane’s story about a recent friendship between David and Joe however states that
she has not witnessed any violent or aggressive behaviour and vehemently denies that any alcohol and drugs are being
consumed onsite. She confirms that David is eating confectionary these days but says “a little bit of sugar never hurt
Please answer each of the questions below.
Please complete this activity with reference to the resource materials provided.
Please document and report your findings back to the group.
What guidelines from each of the CMSA National Standards of Practice for Case Management would you utilise in
this case?
How does your proposed case management provide evidence of:
A. Facilitating the personal development of David?
(i.e. his individual, diverse and special needs, including his aspirations, choices, expectations, motivations,
preferences and values)
B. Advocating for David’s rights?
(including developing David’s strengths to advocate for himself)
C. Addressing David’s needs?
(i.e. purposeful case management)
D. Promoting sustainable solutions for David?
(i.e. balances David’s needs with the available resources and any of your possible limitations as a case manager)
E. Effective communication?
(i.e. with David, the Hostel Manager and all other Key Stakeholders