COPYRIGHT © 2013 Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand (CMSA)
Sarah is a 38 year old woman with serious physical disabilities and an acquired brain injury sustained through a motor
vehicle accident seven years ago.
Sarah was treated for depression prior to her MVA however these symptoms are exacerbated now due to her ABI and
physical disabilities.
Sarah lives at home with her mother and a menagerie of pets, including 2 cats, 3 dogs and 2 cockatiels, and is dependant
on her mother’s daily support as her primary carer to facilitate her access to ongoing clinical health support.
Sarah is estranged from her only sibling (an older brother) who resides overseas in the United Kingdom and her father is
deceased, having passed away from lung cancer 10 years ago.
Sarah has an 8 year old daughter who is currently living with her ex-partner, Lisa (her legal guardian) although due to a
‘falling out’ Sarah has not seen either of them now for 18 months. Until recently Sarah had an on/off relationship with
Lisa who lives locally.
Sarahwas previously employed as a chartered accountant and no longer has any contact with her friends or work colleagues
due to repeated outbursts and inappropriate sexualised behaviour. Consequently Sarah has become increasingly socially
isolated, angry and withdrawn.
Sarah’s mother was rushed to the hospital by ambulance this morning with complications arising from her stage 4 breast
Sarah has been urgently referred to you by the hospital social worker who says Sarah has arrived on the ward
inappropriately attired, is uncooperative and verbally abusive towards nursing staff.
Please answer each of the questions below.
Please complete this activity with reference to the resource materials provided.
Please document and report your findings back to the group.
What guidelines from each of the CMSA National Standards of Practice for Case Management would you utilise in
this case?
How does your proposed case management provide evidence of:
A. Facilitating the personal development of Sarah?
(i.e. her individual, diverse and special needs, including her aspirations, choices, expectations, motivations,
preferences and values)
B. Advocating for Sarah’s rights?
(including developing Sarah’s strengths to advocate for herself)
C. Addressing Sarah’s needs?
(i.e. purposeful case management)
D. Promoting sustainable solutions for Sarah?
(i.e. balances Sarah’s needs with the available resources and any of your possible limitations as a case manager)
E. Effective communication?
(i.e. with Sarah, the Hospital Social Worker and all other Key Stakeholders)