COPYRIGHT © 2013 Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand (CMSA)
A local homeless shelter has contacted you to report Tammy’s attempts to enter the adult shelter with a 28 year old
Caucasian male this evening.
Tammy is a 14 year old indigenous female with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and an
intellectual impairment.
Tammy has a history of chronic alcohol and substance misuse and involvement with chroming. She regularly displays
sexualised behaviour such as exposing herself and masturbating in public whilst intoxicated and engages in prostitution
with older men in exchange for food and volatile substances.
Tammy has resided in youth shelters, residential care facilities and on and off the streets for 18 months now and is 8
months pregnant.
Tammy is unable to maintain her accommodation due her challenging behaviours and will regularly abscond in order to
obtain paint and to engage in chroming.
Tammy is prone to escalations of aggression and has been known to be physically violent and aggressive towards staff.
On one occasion Tammy broke a youth workers arm and damaged property during her attempts to recover paint that had
been confiscated and locked in a store room.
Tammy has an estranged relationship with her mother who also has a history of chronic substance abuse (chroming),
alcoholism, domestic violence and transience.
Please answer each of the questions below.
Please complete this activity with reference to the resource materials provided.
Please document and report your findings back to the group.
What guidelines from each of the CMSA National Standards of Practice for Case Management would you utilise in
this case?
How does your proposed case management provide evidence of:
A. Facilitating the personal development of Tammy?
(i.e. her individual, diverse and special needs, including her aspirations, choices, expectations, motivations,
preferences and values)
B. Advocating for Tammy’s rights?
(including developing Tammy’s strengths to advocate for herself)
C. Addressing Tammy’s needs?
(i.e. purposeful case management)
D. Promoting sustainable solutions for Tammy?
(i.e. balances Tammy’s needs with the available resources and any of your possible limitations as a case manager)
E. Effective communication?
(i.e. with Tammy and all other Key Stakeholders)