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COPYRIGHT © 2013 Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand (CMSA)


Chan is a 42 year old women who came to Australia on a student visa 4 years ago and met her Australian (Caucasian)

partner, Simon, 1 year later. 3 months later Chan moved into Simon’s rental property in the suburbs.

Chan and Simon separated 2 months ago when Chan was 7 months pregnant at which time she moved in with a girlfriend

until the husband told her to leave.

Simon has since relocated interstate and Chan does not know of his whereabouts.

Chan is currently staying in a Women’s Shelter but will not be eligible for this accommodation once the baby is born.

Chan has been referred to you by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship who have told you her Student Visa

has expired. Chan is to be deported back to Cambodia once the baby is born and both parties are deemed medically fit to

travel. As Chan contracted polio as a child she will require a caesarean and will not be medically fit to travel for a minimum

of 6 weeks post delivery.

Chan has no Medicare entitlements and no income or savings.

Chan (and baby) require temporary accommodation until she is deported. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship

are yet to provide a tentative deportation date.



Please answer each of the questions below.


Please complete this activity with reference to the resource materials provided.


Please document and report your findings back to the group.



What guidelines from each of the CMSA National Standards of Practice for Case Management would you utilise in

this case?


How does your proposed case management provide evidence of:

A. Facilitating the personal development of Chan?

(i.e. her individual, diverse and special needs, including her aspirations, choices, expectations, motivations,

preferences and values)

B. Advocating for Chan’s rights?

(including developing Chan’s strengths to advocate for herself)

C. Addressing Chan’s needs?

(i.e. purposeful case management)

D. Promoting sustainable solutions for Chan?

(i.e. balances Chan’s needs with the available resources and any of your possible limitations as a case manager)

E. Effective communication?

(i.e. with Chan and all other Key Stakeholders)