©Fellow Application Guidelines eBook
It is your responsibility to: • Ensure each referee understands their contribution to your application. • Share the content of your application and supporting documentation with your referees. • Provide a copy of the Fellow Application Guidelines to each of your referees.
• Download and provide a copy of Referee Form 1 and Referee Form 2 in Microsoft Office Word to each nominated referee. • Provide each referee with the CMSA contact details should they have any questions related to completing the Referee Form. • Check the completed form for any errors or omissions prior to having it certified. COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL STANDARDS AND NATIONAL CODE OF ETHICS FOR CASE MANAGEMENT As a Fellow you are required to commit to read, understand, utilise and apply the CMSA National Standards of Practice for Case Management (3rd Revised Edition, 2013) and National Code of Ethics for Case Management (2nd Edition, 2013) within all of your day-to-day professional interactions with your colleagues, community, clients and/or representatives, key stakeholders and employer. Your continued compliance to the same will afford you with the foundational platform in meeting the nationally recognised minimum practice standard of case managers within Australia and New Zealand and provide endorsement as to the veracity, integrity and fidelity of the profession of case management. INVESTITURE CEREMONY (OPTIONAL) An annual Investiture Ceremony will be held by the CMSA at each National Conference of the CMSA or, in the event the conference is bi-annual it will be held at a national location and date, as determined by the CMSA. A Fellow’s participation will be optional with all costs associated with this event to be incurred by the member, including formal graduation attire, admission tickets to the ceremony and related costs pertaining to the member’s attendance at this event. The CMSA will liaise with the Fellow as to the hire of the formal attire (e.g. robe and sash) and will facilitate the delivery and collection of the said attire to/from the venue. The CMSA will engage the services of professional photographer to attend this event and accordingly each member will receive a complimentary photo (included within the admission fee). The option for additional photos (“for a fee”) of Fellows with their colleagues, family or friends will also be available at the event with orders and payment made direct to the photographer. Please note, Fellows who have registered for this event and have not honoured payment of the nominated fees, pursuant to any required deadlines, will not be eligible to participate in the Investiture Ceremony. FEES Payment of fees Fees are required to be paid in full at the time of the online application. • Payment can be made by credit card, cheque or direct deposit. • All payments must be in Australian Dollars. • All fees are inclusive of GST. • An application will be considered pending until the payment has been honoured. • Discounts apply to CMSA members (i.e. Individual and Corporate 1-7). • Membership must be current for discounts to apply. • Discounts to CMSA Corporate Members 1-7 are capped at the total number of members per level of Corporate membership. • The application fee is inclusive of the total fee. • The application fee is non-refundable should a candidate’s application fail to be approved by the CMSA.
C A S E M A N A G E M E N T S O C I E T Y O F A U S T R A L I A & N E W Z E A L A N D 1 9 9 6
Fellow Members (FCMSA) of the Case Management Society of Australia & New Zealand (CMSA) adhere to the CMSA National Standards & National Code of Ethics for Case Management in all their day-to-day professional interactions with colleagues, the community, clients & /or representatives, key stakeholders & employer thus contributing to the veracity, integrity & fidelity of the profession of case management.
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