©Fellow Application Guidelines eBook
CHECKLIST OF EVIDENCE REQUIRED TO SUPPORT AN APPLICATION The following is a checklist of the evidence (“attachments”) that you must submit to the CMSA at the time of your online application. Please check that you have all the required “attachments” available on your personal computer to submit to the CMSA when you apply online. Employment Verification Form or Statutory Declaration Form (if self employed) copy must be signed by your employer and certified A PDF copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV) Professional Training and Development (PTD) Forms A and Form B copies must be signed by applicant and certified CERTIFIED COPIES OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS The following forms must be completed and certified copies submitted to the CMSA as part of your online application. These forms are available online at www.cmsa.org.au on the Membership Categories page of the website. Please download and save a copy to your personal computer. Please note all information must be typed into the form, saved and then printed prior to being signed and certified. You must then scan the certified copy and save a copy to your personal computer in readiness to attach to your online application. Hand written copies will not be accepted by the CMSA. Referee Form 1 copy must be signed by referee and certified Referee Form 2 copy must be signed by referee and certified Certificate of Attainment official PDF copy issued by CMSA
1. Employment Verification Form 2. Professional Training and Development (PTD) Form A (Individual PTD activity) 3. Professional Training and Development (PTD) Form B (Summary of PTD activity)
4. Referee form 1 5. Referee form 2
Please note where a candidate is self employed they must submit a Statutory Declaration in lieu of an Employment Verification Form. This should include details of your vocational case management experience (practical or theoretical) with dates and total FTE equivalent hours for term of employment. You should refer to a copy of the Employment Verification Form when drafting your Statutory Declaration to ensure you provide the CMSA with the full particulars of your current and past employment details.
Getting documents certified.
Where a copy of a document (i.e. form) is required to be certified, it must be certified by one of the following individuals:
• Commissioner for Declarations • Commission of Oaths • Judge • Justice of the Peace • Magistrate • Police Officers in Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia • Practising lawyer • Registrar/Deputy Registrar of the Magistrates Court in Victoria
Note: Medical Practitioners, pharmacists, registered nurses etc are not eligible to certify documents unless they are also one of the individuals on the above list provided.
When certifying documents, the above individual needs to include the following or similar statement on each page of the document:
1. I certify that this is a true copy of the original document. Signature: Name: Designation: Date: Number:
C A S E M A N A G E M E N T S O C I E T Y O F A U S T R A L I A & N E W Z E A L A N D 1 9 9 6
Fellow Members (FCMSA) of the Case Management Society of Australia & New Zealand (CMSA) adhere to the CMSA National Standards & National Code of Ethics for Case Management in all their day-to-day professional interactions with colleagues, the community, clients & /or representatives, key stakeholders & employer thus contributing to the veracity, integrity & fidelity of the profession of case management.
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