©ANZ Certification Application Guidelines eBook


STATUTORY DECLARATIONS If you are required to submit a Statutory Declaration in lieu of an Employment Verification Form (for those candidates who are self employed) these are available from each state and territory or from the Australian Government Attorney General’s Department. http://www.ag.gov.au/STATDEC AUDITING OF APPLICATIONS As part of the CMSA’s ongoing quality assurance of Certified Case Managers™ the Society will conduct random audits of applications, including authenticating information provided by the candidate or on the candidates behalf within the Employment Verification Form, Professional Training and Development (PTD) Form A and Form B, Referee Form 1 and Referee Form 2. Should you be audited you, and/or individuals submitting information in support of your application, will be given 28 days, from the date of notice issued by the CMSA, to verify, clarify and/or substantiate all claims. This may include a request for evidence (e.g. certified copies of certificates, letters of verification etc) of claims you have made as to your Professional Training and Development activities. VOCATIONAL CASE MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE Employment Verification Form All candidates must complete and submit a certified copy of the Employment Verification Form as evidence of their vocational case management experience (practical or theoretical). This form is available online at www.cmsa.org.au on the Certification page of the website. Please download and save a copy to your personal computer. Please note all information must be typed into the form, saved and then printed prior to being signed and certified. You must then scan the certified copy and save a copy to your personal computer in readiness to attach to your online application. Hand written copies will not be accepted by the CMSA. Inclusive of the equivalent FTE total hours of vocational case management experience as stipulated within your nominated Pathway to Certification you must demonstrate that 12 months (1824 hours) Full Time Equivalent (FTE) practice (practical or theoretical) of your total hours has occurred in the past 3 years. This compulsory FTE is based on 38 hours per week over 48 weeks. • Download and provide a copy of the form in Microsoft Office Word to the individual completing the form. • Provide the individual with the CMSA contact details should they have any questions related to completing the form. • Check the completed form for any errors or omissions prior to having it certified. If you are self employed and are submitting a Statutory Declaration in lieu of an Employment Verification Form it is your responsibility to: • Download a Statutory Declaration form from the Australian Government Attorney General’s Department. http://www.ag.gov.au/ STATDEC • Prepare the content in full by referring to the Employment Verification Form. The CMSA will not contribute to this process and recommends you seek assistance from another individual in the drafting and review of the content. • Include details of your current and past vocational case management experience (practical or theoretical) with dates and total FTE If you are submitting an Employment Verification Form it is your responsibility to: • Provide a copy of the Certification Application Guidelines to the individual completing the form.

equivalent hours for term of employment, pursuant to your nominated Pathway to Certification. • Check the completed Statutory Declaration for any errors or omissions prior to having it certified. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (PTD) ACTIVITIES Form A and Form B

Pursuant to the pre-requisite requirement of an online application through the vocational Pathway 3 and Pathway 4 to Certification, a candidate is required to submit evidence of a minimum of seventy two (72) hours of Professional Training and Development (PTD) activities in the past three (3) years. You are required to use the CMSA resources and/or a combination of CMSA and other resources to meet the minimum level of PTD. The Competency in the National Standards for Case Managers training should be included within your record of PTD activities. It is essential that you complete a Professional Training and Development Form A for each individual PTD activity and a Professional Training and Development Form B as a summary of the total sum of seventy two (72) hours of PTD activities. As it is your responsibility to record, calculate and check the total hours of claimed PTD activities, the CMSA recommends you seek assistance from another individual to check the accuracy of your calculations. It is a compulsory requirement that you complete and submit both forms to the

The Case Management Society of Australia (CMSA) Certification sets the benchmark of excellence in case management. Certified Practising Case Managers™ (CPCM) and Certified Case Managers (Non Practising)™ (CCMNP) adhere to the CMSA National Standards and National Code of Ethics for Case Management and are recognised for their advanced education, experience, knowledge, and skills by their colleagues, consumers and employers.

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