©ANZ Certification Application Guidelines eBook
ONLINE EXAMINATION As the final stage of your application process you will required to undertake an online examination. You will receive an invitation in writing from the CMSA which will include all instructions for you to undertake the same. The receipt of this invitation is indicative that the CMSA has reviewed and processed your application and is satisfied that you are eligible to proceed with the last stage of the certification process. The online examination you undertake will consist of a minimum of fifty six (56) questions with four (4) available responses (i.e. A, B, C or D). You are required to read each question carefully prior to selecting one (1) of the four (4) possible options as the answer. All questions are derived from the National Standards of Practice for Case Management (3rd Revised Edition, 2013) and the National Code of Ethics for Case Management (2nd Edition, 2013) and answers are available within the same. Any previous editions of the aforesaid publications (i.e. 2009 or 2012 Editions) are not congruent to this examination and accordingly you will require access to the 2013 Editions in order to undertake this examination. As this is an “open book” examination, the CMSA recommends you have a copy of both publications with you at the time you undertake your examination. This will allow you to check your answers carefully by referencing the information within both publications. For the purpose of preparing for the examination the CMSA suggests you take the time to read both the National Standards and National Code of Ethics for Case Management. You will be required to provide 100% correct responses to achieve a pass in the examination. Should you not receive a 100% pass you will be invited to re-sit the online examination. There are no limitations placed by the CMSA as to the number of times a candidate may re-sit the online examination and you may do so for a period of twelve (12) months before the CMSA renders your application invalid. Should you wish to reapply you will be required to pay the non refundable application fee. If you chose not to reapply for certification you will be refunded your registration fee. Pursuant to the veracity, integrity and fidelity of the examination process the CMSA does not permit the unlawful duplication of the online assessment (full or part thereof). Any candidate who is found to have made a copy in any format (i.e. photograph, image, screen dump, written or verbal etc) for their personal or public use and/or gain will be determined by the CMSA as in breach of the certification process and will incur immediate suspension of their application or cancellation of their certification status. Any such actions are considered a serious ethical breach by the CMSA and may adversely affect any future certification application to the CMSA. COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL STANDARDS AND NATIONAL CODE OF ETHICS FOR CASE MANAGEMENT As a Certified Case Manager™ you are required to commit to read, understand, utilise and apply the CMSA National Standards of Practice for Case Management (3rd Revised Edition, 2013) and National Code of Ethics for Case Management (2nd Edition, 2013) within all of your day-to-day professional interactions with your colleagues, community, clients and/or representatives, key stakeholders and employer. Your continued compliance to the same will afford you with the foundational platform in meeting the nationally recognised minimum practice standard of case managers within Australia and provide endorsement as to the veracity, integrity and fidelity of the profession of case management. GRADUATION CEREMONY (OPTIONAL) An annual Graduation Ceremony will be held by the CMSA at each National Conference of the CMSA or, in the event the conference is bi-annual it will be held at a national location and date, as determined by the CMSA. A graduates participation will be optional with all costs associated with this event to be incurred by the Certified Case Manager™, including formal graduation attire, admission tickets to the ceremony and related costs pertaining to the graduates attendance at this event. The CMSA will liaise with the graduate as to the hire of the formal attire (e.g. graduation robe, sash and mortar board) and will facilitate the delivery and collection of the said attire to/from the venue. The CMSA will engage the services of professional photographer to attend this event and accordingly each graduate will receive a complimentary photo (included within the admission fee). The option for additional photos (“for a fee”) of graduates with their colleagues, family or friends will also be available at the event with orders and payment made direct to the photographer. Please note, graduates who have registered for this event and have not honoured payment of the nominated fees, pursuant to any required deadlines, will not be eligible to participate in the Graduation Ceremony.
The Case Management Society of Australia (CMSA) Certification sets the benchmark of excellence in case management. Certified Practising Case Managers™ (CPCM) and Certified Case Managers (Non Practising)™ (CCMNP) adhere to the CMSA National Standards and National Code of Ethics for Case Management and are recognised for their advanced education, experience, knowledge, and skills by their colleagues, consumers and employers.
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