©ANZ Certification Application Guidelines eBook
Attachment 6 - Pathways to Certification - Page 2 of 2
Stage Two (Week 1 - 3) - (a) Application received by the CMSA and candidate notified in writing. (b) Application appraised by the CMSA (c) Candidate with incompleteapplicationor insufficient information is contacted by the CMSA and advised of deficits and asked to re-submit application. Stage Three (Week 4-6) – (a) Candidate is invited
by the CMSA to undertake the online multiple choice examination (b) Candidate achieves successful pass in the online examination or (c) Candidate fails online examination and is invited to re-sit online examination. Stage Four (Week 6-8) - Candidate receives 3 year
t 6TF PG $FSUJmFE 1SBDUJTJOH $BTF .BOBHFSÎ credentials (i.e. CPCMCMSA) OR Certified Case Manager (Non Practising)™ credentials (i.e. CCMNPCMSA) – for 3 year term
t :PVS OBNF QVCMJTIFE PO UIF $.4" XFCTJUF BT B registered Certified Practising Case Manager™
OR Certified Case Manager (Non Practising)™ for public access including optional contact details (i.e. email and phone number) t 1SPGFTTJPOBM SFDPHOJUJPO BOE TUBUVT t 'VMM $.4" NFNCFSTIJQ CFOFmUT
t 0QUJPOBM (SBEVBUJPO $FSFNPOZ BMM BTTPDJBUFE costs to be incurred by the graduate (e.g. hire of gown, mortar board, sash, travel, etc).
t $FSUJmFE 1SBDUJTJOH $BTF .BOBHFSÎ QBSDINFOU (certificate)and lapelPinORCertifiedCaseManager (Non Practising)™ parchment (certificate)
registration as a Certified Practising Case Manager™ OR Certified Case Manager (Non Practising)™ and all associated benefits.
What will I receive if I am successful in my application?
demonstrate theyhavepracticed forat least12months (1824 hrs) over the last 3 years. (iii) Professional Training and Development (PTD) . All candidates
Please note: (i) FTE = Full Time Equivalent. FTE calculations are based on 38 hrs per week over 48 weeks. (ii) Vocational case management practice experience must be recent. Candidate must
programs facilitated by the CMSA or an approved provider, including E-learning and distance education. (iv) 2 References . Candidate must be supported by 2 Referees (References) who are familiar with their practice and certification application. How do I apply?
There are four (4) Stages to obtaining National Certification as follows: Stage One – Certified Practising Case Manager™
must use the CMSA resources and/or a combination of CMSA and other resources to meet the minimum level of 72 hours of PTD in the last 3 years; backdated from date of application. Activities undertaken must be related to Case Management and/or specific to the candidates practice area/role as a Case Manager or manager/supervisor of Case Managers and/or Case Management programs. Activities that qualify as PTD are: conferences, congresses, conventions, courses, forums, lectures, seminars, workshops and other professional educational activities presented by the CMSA and/or under the auspices of academic institutions, commercial establishments or other professional bodies OR educational activities provided by the candidate’s employer or practice entity, either in-house or externally by individuals or organisations engaged by the employer and relevant to the candidates practice area or case management role OR Tertiary courses presented by educational institutions OR self-study courses, training and
A candidate must first meet the all the criteria as listed in Pathway One or Pathway Two or Pathway Three or Pathway Four prior to filing an online application to the CMSA.
OR Certified Case Manager (Non Practising)™ application, and associated documentation and evidence, is submitted online by candidate to the CMSA. Fees paid in full upon application.
(3) years FTE (5472 hrs) relevant vocational case management practice experience AND Certificate of Attainment for Competency in the National Standards of Practice for Case Managers ~ CMSA 1 day training (face-to-face or online) AND two (2) signed References; OR Pathway Three – no formal qualification OR
Certificate of Attainment for ~ Competency in the National Standards of Practice for Case Managers ~ CMSA 1 day training (face-to-face or online) AND two (2) signed References; Pathway Four - 2 years FTE (3648 hrs) vocational
and/or qualifications by meeting all of the pre requisite criteria as described within one (1) of the four (4) Pathways to Certification (Practising or Non Practising) below: Pathway One - A Vocational Graduate Certificate
in Community Services Practice (Client assessment and case management) OR post graduate Case Management degree e.g. Masters degree or PhD AND two (2) years FTE (3648 hrs) vocational case management practice experience AND two (2) signed References; OR Pathway Two - an undergraduate degree AND three
How do I know if I am eligible? To be eligible a candidate must demonstrate they have the necessary knowledge, skills, experience
Diploma OR Certificate AND five (5) years FTE (9120 hrs) relevant vocational case management practice experience AND seventy (72) hrs of Professional Training and Development (PTD) in last 3 years AND
case management experience, including practical application (i.e. case management practice and/ or the management/supervision of Case Managers or Case Management Programs) OR theoretical application (i.e. case management education or research) AND 72 hrs of Professional Training and
Development (PTD) AND Certificate of Attainment for Competency in the National Standards for Case Managers CMSA 1 day training (face-to-face or online) AND two (2) signed References.
Certified Case Manager (Non Practising) ™ Pathway 4
(multiple choice)
Candidate has each of the following: 1. 2 years FTE (3648 hrs) vocational case management experience, including practical application (i.e. case management practice and/or the management/ supervision of Case Managers or Case Management Programs) OR theoretical application (i.e. case management education or research)
candidate. Fees paid in full.
Manager (Non Practising)™
Application appraised and meets criteria
Candidate achieves successful pass in the online
2. 72 hrs of Professional Training and Development (PTD) in last 3 years 3. Certificate of Attainment for Competency in the National Standards for Case Managers.
Application received by CMSA and candidate notified
Candidate invited to undertake the online examination
Application and supporting documentation submitted by
Candidate receives 3 year registration as a Certified Case
The Case Management Society of Australia (CMSA) Certification sets the benchmark of excellence in case management. Certified Practising Case Managers™ (CPCM) and Certified Case Managers (Non Practising)™ (CCMNP) adhere to the CMSA National Standards and National Code of Ethics for Case Management and are recognised for their advanced education, experience, knowledge, and skills by their colleagues, consumers and employers.
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