©ANZ Certification Application Guidelines eBook
Attachment 6 - Vocational Pathways to Certification 1-4
The Vocational Pathways to Certification (i.e. application pathways) serve as a checklist of the minimum per-requisite criteria an individual must first meet in order to be eligible to apply for registration as a Certified Case Manager™
PATHWAY ONE (1) – CERTIFIED PRACTISING CASE MANAGER™ To be eligible to apply via this pathway an individual must have each of the following:
The CHC82015 Graduate Certificate in Client Assessment and Case Management OR KPMG Case Management Fundamentals OR PhD in case management OR Masters degree in case management (excludes Grad Diploma);
Copy of Curriculum Vitae (CV); Two (2) years FTE (3648 hrs) vocational case management practice experience; and Two (2) professional referees.
PATHWAY TWO (2) – CERTIFIED PRACTISING CASE MANAGER™ To be eligible to apply via this pathway an individual must have each of the following: An undergraduate Bachelor degree (from any discipline); Copy of Curriculum Vitae (CV); Three (3) years FTE (5472 hrs) vocational case management practice experience; Certificate of Attainment for CMCT01 Case Management (National Certification) Competency Training; and Two (2) professional referees. PATHWAY THREE (3) – CERTIFIED PRACTISING CASE MANAGER™ To be eligible to apply via this pathway an individual must have each of the following: A Diploma (including Graduate Diploma) OR Certificate (including Graduate Certificate) OR no formal qualification; Copy of Curriculum Vitae (CV); Five (5) years FTE (9120 hrs) vocational case management practice experience; Seventy two (72) hrs of Professional Training and Development (PTD) in the last 3 years; Certificate of Attainment for CMCT01 Case Management (National Certification) Competency Training; and Two (2) professional referees.
PATHWAY FOUR (4) – CERTIFIED CASE MANAGER (NON PRACTISING)™ To be eligible to apply via this pathway an individual must have each of the following:
Two (2) years FTE (3648 hrs) vocational case management experience, including managerial application (i.e. supervision of case management practitioners and/or programs and/or portfolio/s) OR theoretical application (i.e. case management education or research); Copy of Curriculum Vitae (CV); Seventy two (72) hrs of Professional Training and Development (PTD) in the last 3 years; Certificate of Attainment for CMCT01 Case Management (National Certification) Competency Training; and two (2) professional referees.
EXPLANATORY NOTES Full Time Equivalent (FTE) calculations are based on 38 hrs per week over 48 weeks.
Vocational case management experience must be recent. An applicant must demonstrate they have practised for at least 12 months (1824 hrs) in the last 3 years. Referees must have been in professional working relationship with the applicant for at least 6 months in the last 3 years and familiar with the applicants professional practice (i.e. practical, managerial or theoretical) and certification application.
COPYRIGHT © 2017 Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand and Affiliates (CMSA)
C E R T I F I E D C A S E M A N A G E R A U S T R A L I A & N E W Z E A L A N D
C A S E M A N A G E M E N T S O C I E T Y O F A U S T R A L I A & N E W Z E A L A N D 1 9 9 6
The Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand and Affiliates (CMSA) Certification sets the benchmark of excellence in case management. Certified Practising Case Managers™ (CPCM) and Certified Case Managers (Non Practising)™ (CCMNP) adhere to the CMSA National Standards and National Code of Ethics for Case Management and are recognised for their advanced education, experience, knowledge and skills by their colleagues, consumers and employers.
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