©UAE Certification Learn More eBook
The CMSA defines Professional Training and Development as the movement along the continuum of competence required by case management practitioners and professionals, to provide services based upon evidence of effectiveness and best practice. This can be achieved through formal or informal instruction and learning. Active engagement in Professional Training and Development (PTD) activities is a means by which members of the CMSA, and the case management profession, maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and competence as a means to develop the personal and professional qualities required for the specialist practice of case management. REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFIED CASE MANAGERS™ KEY POINTS All Certified Case Managers™ must undertake the pre-requisite hours of Professional Training and Development (PTD) over a three (3) year term as a requirement of registration. This standard is set out in the Pathways to Certification for Certified Case Managers™ and the Re-endorsement process for existing Certified Case Managers™ The PTD activity claimed must be directed towards maintaining and improving a practitioner or professional’s competence in case management practice. Continuing PTD activities should have clear goals and outcomes. A PTD record should be kept to document details of activities completed. In addition to a written PTD record, practitioners and professionals must keep evidence of completed PTD activities in a PTD portfolio. This evidence should be retained for a three (3) year period and must be available for audit upon request by the CMSA. All case management practitioners or professionals applying for National Certification (via Pathway 3 or Pathway 4) will be required to submit details of seventy two (72) hours of PTD activities in the past three (3) years upon application to the CMSA. This information is entered into the PTD Form A and PTD Form B. All case management practitioners or professionals applying for Re-endorsement as a Certified case Manager™ (Year 4) will be required to submit details of twenty four (24) hours of PTD activities in the past three (3) years - backdated from the date of their previous endorsement (i.e. registration date) as a Certified Case Manager™ This information is entered into the Re-endorsed Certified Case Manager™ Professional Training and Development (PTD) Form Periodic audits will be undertaken by the CMSA to ensure that Certified Case Managers™ are compliant with the registration requirements for National Certification. If audited a Certified Case Manager™ must produce their PTD portfolio of evidence within twenty eight (28) days, from the date of notice issued by the CMSA to substantiate all claims of PTD activities as recorded within PTD Form A and PTD Form B or the Re-endorsed CCM Form. EXAMPLES OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (PTD) ACTIVITIES All activities must be relevant to the practitioner or professional’s vocational role (i.e. practical, managerial or theoretical) pursuant to case management. • Self-Assessment of professional practice through the participation in [as Supervisor] or completion of [as case management practitioner/professional] the National Self Assessment (NSA) for case management; full or part thereof. Please note: the e-publication [read only] is available in the CMSA E-library [available to Members only]. • Conferences, congresses, conventions, courses, forums, lectures, seminars, workshops and other professional educational activities presented by the CMSA and/or under the auspices of academic institutions, commercial establishments or other professional bodies. • Educational activities provided by the applicant’s employer or practice entity, either in-house or externally by individuals or organisations engaged by the employer and relevant to the applicant’s practice area or case management role. • Tertiary courses presented by educational institutions. This may include a Certificate/Graduate Certificate or Diploma (either in full or part thereof) from an approved Registered Training Organisation. • Self-study courses, training and programs facilitated by the CMSA or an approved provider, including E-learning and distance education. • Preparation/publication of papers/articles [scholarly or peer reviewed]. • Oral presentation/s or panel membership for a professional audience. • Self-directed e-learning activities (e.g. TED Talks, YouTube, iTunes U, Google Scholar). • Membership of, or contribution to, a Specialist Interest Group (SIG). • Industry presentations - face-to-face or by technology (e.g. Vodcast, Podcast, webinars, video conferencing, Internet, Go-To Training etcetera). The following are examples of activities that qualify as PTD activities:
COPYRIGHT © 2017 Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand and Affiliates (CMSA)
The Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand and Affiliates (CMSA) Certification sets the benchmark of excellence in case management. Certified Practising Case Managers™ (CPCM) and Certified Case Managers (Non Practising)™ (CCMNP) adhere to the CMSA National Standards and National Code of Ethics for Case Management and are recognised for their advanced education, experience, knowledge and skills by their colleagues, consumers and employers. The Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand and Affiliates (CMSA) Certification sets the benchmark of excellence in case management. Certified Practising Case Managers™ (CPCM) and Certified Case Managers (Non Practising)™ (CCMNP) adhere to the CMSA National Standards and National Code of Ethics for Case Management and are recognised for their advanced education, experience, knowledge and skills by their colleagues, consumers and employers.
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