©ANZ Certification Learn More eBook
CCM ONLINE EXAMINATION MODULE 3 (20MIN) National Standards of Practice for Case Management (3rd Revised Edition, 2013) – Standard Two (2)
Multiple choice questions: ten (10)
Reference materials: National Standards of Practice for Case Management (3rd Revised Edition, 2013)
CCM ONLINE EXAMINATION MODULE 4 (20MIN) National Standards of Practice for Case Management (3rd Revised Edition, 2013) – Standard Three (3)
Multiple choice questions: ten (10)
Reference materials: National Standards of Practice for Case Management (3rd Revised Edition, 2013)
CCM ONLINE EXAMINATION MODULE 5 (20MIN) National Standards of Practice for Case Management (3rd Revised Edition, 2013) – Standard Four (4)
Multiple choice questions: ten (10)
Reference materials: National Standards of Practice for Case Management (3rd Revised Edition, 2013)
CCM ONLINE EXAMINATION MODULE 6 (18MIN) National Code of Ethics for Case Management (2nd Edition, 2013) – Part A
Multiple choice questions: nine (9)
Reference materials: National Code of Ethics for Case Management (2nd Edition, 2013)
CCM ONLINE EXAMINATION MODULE 7 (18MIN) National Code of Ethics for Case Management (2nd Edition, 2013) – Part B
Multiple choice questions: nine (9)
Reference materials: National Code of Ethics for Case Management (2nd Edition, 2013)
The Certified Case Manager Trade Mark Logo (CCMTML) provide a visual means of identifying an individual case management specialist practitioner or professional in United Arab Emirates who holds an active registration as a Certified Practising Case Manager™ (CPCMCMSA) or Certified Case Manager (Non Practising)™ (CCMNPCMSA) with the CMSA. There are two (2) versions of the CCMTML available to Certified Case Managers™ pursuant to the registration type of the individual as follows:
• Certified Practising Case Manager™ - referred to by the CMSA as a specialist Case Management “Practitioner”
• Certified Case Manager (Non Practising)™ - referred to by the CMSA as a specialist Case Management “Professional”
Use of a CCMTML immediately tells the community, colleagues, consumers and employers that:
• The CMSA has validated the holder of the CCMTML of having specialised knowledge of the National Standards of Practice for Case Management and National Code of Ethics for Case Management through examination;
• The CMSA has verified the CCMTML holder as meeting the requisite levels of education and experience required for a CCM™
COPYRIGHT © 2017 Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand and Affiliates (CMSA)
C A S E M A N A G E M E N T S O C I E T Y O F A U S T R A L I A & N E W Z E A L A N D 1 9 9 6
C E R T I F I E D C A S E M A N A G E R A U S T R A L I A & N E W Z E A L A N D
The Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand and Affiliates (CMSA) Certification sets the benchmark of excellence in case management. Certified Practising Case Managers™ (CPCM) and Certified Case Managers (Non Practising)™ (CCMNP) adhere to the CMSA National Standards and National Code of Ethics for Case Management and are recognised for their advanced education, experience, knowledge and skills by their colleagues, consumers and employers.
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